Article 1, Section 6, Clause 1


Stroud's Case, 3 How. St. Tr. 235 (1629)

Barnard v. Mordaunt, 96 Eng. Rep. 939 (C.P. 1754)

Lord Mansfield, 1770, Potter's Dwarris on Statutes 601

Hatsell's Precedents in the House of Commons 1:206--7 (1776)

Vermont Constitution of 1786, ch. 1, art. 16, Thorpe 6:3753

Records of the Federal Convention, Farrand 1:210, 211, 221, 369--70, 377--79, 383, 418, 433--34; 2:129, 135, 140, 141, 142, 156, 166, 282--83, 334, 567, 568, 593

James McHenry, Maryland House of Delegates, 29 Nov. 1787, Farrand 3:148

Luther Martin, Maryland House of Delegates, 29 Nov. 1787, Farrand 3:155

Debate in Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 19 Jan. 1788, Elliot 2:52--54

James Iredell, Amendments to the Constitution Proposed at North Carolina Ratifying Convention, 1 Aug. 1788, Elliot 4:249

House of Representatives, An Amendment to Art. 1, sec. 6, par. 1, 14 Aug. 1789, Annals 1:728--29

James Wilson, On Crimes, Lectures on Law (1791), Works 2:618, 619

United States v. Cooper, 4 Dall. 341 (C.C.D.Pa. 1800)

St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 198--99 (1803)

Blight v. Fisher, 3 Fed. Cas. 704, Case no. 1,542 (C.C.D.N.J. 1809)

William Rawle, A View of the Constitution of the United States 179--82 (2d ed. 1829)

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 2, Article 1, Section 6, Clause 1, Introduction
The University of Chicago Press

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