Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship)
Generally 4.2.1
Naturalization Law, 13 Geo. III, c. 21 (1773)
Virginia, Act Declaring Who Shall Be Deemed Citizens of This Commonwealth, 26 June 1779, 10 Hening 129--30
John Jay to Benjamin Franklin, 31 May 1781, Unpublished Papers 2:80--82
Charles Pinckney, Observations on the Plan of Government, 1787, Farrand 3:120
Records of the Federal Convention, Farrand 1:245; 2:144, 158, 167, 182, 445, 483, 486, 489, 569, 570, 595
An Act to Establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization, 1 Stat. 103 (1790)
Kentucky Constitution of 1792, art. 3, cl. 27, Thorpe 3:1276
An Act to Establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization, 1 Stat. 414 (1795)
United States v. Villato, 28 Fed. Cas. 377, no. 16,622 (C.C.D.Pa. 1797)
House of Representatives, Naturalization Law, 3 May 1798, Annals 8:1570--82
House of Representatives, Alien Enemies, 19 June 1798, Annals 8:1974--78
An Act respecting Alien Enemies, 1 Stat. 577 (1798)
An Act concerning Aliens, 1 Stat. 570 (1798)
Den v. Brown, 2 Halstead 305 (N.J. 1799)
An Act to Establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization, 2 Stat. 153 (1802)
St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 2:369--70 (1803)
An Act in Addition to an Act, Etc., 2 Stat. 292 (1804)
Murray v. Schooner Charming Betsy, 2 Cranch 64 (1804)
Kilham v. Ward, 2 Mass. 236 (1806)
Campbell v. Gordon, 6 Cranch 176 (1810)
Louisiana Constitution of 1812, art. 6, secs. 12, 22, Thorpe 3:1389, 1390
Clarke v. Morey, 10 Johns. 69 (N.Y. 1813)
Ainslie v. Martin, 9 Mass. 454 (1813)
Jackson v. Decker, 11 Johns. 418 (N.Y. 1814)
Chirac v. Chirac, 2 Wheat. 259 (1817)
House of Representatives, Expatriation, 26, 28 Feb. 1818, Annals: 31:1029--52, 1054--70
Richards v. McDaniel, 2 Noll & McCord 351 (S.C. 1820)
Goodell v. Jackson, 20 Johns. 693 (N.Y. 1823)
The Founders' Constitution
Volume 2, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship), Introduction
The University of Chicago Press