Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7
Document 1
Records of the Federal Convention
[1:524; Journal, 5 July]
. . . and that no money shall be drawn from the public Treasury but in pursuance of appropriations to be originated by the first Branch.
[1:538; Journal, 6 July]
. . . and that no money shall be drawn from the Public Treasury but in pursuance of appropriations to be originated by the first Branch.
it passed in the affirmative [Ayes--5; noes--3; divided--3.]
[2:14; Journal, 16 July]
. . . and that no money shall be drawn from the Public Treasury but in pursuance of appropriations to be originated by the first Branch.
[2:154, 164; Committee of Detail, VI, IX]
. . . No money shall be drawn from the public Treasury, but in Pursuance of Appropriations that shall originate in the House of Representatives.
[2:200; Madison, 13 Aug.]
Question on the last clause of sect: 5--Art: IV--viz "No money shall be drawn from the Public Treasury, but in pursuance of appropriations that shall originate in the House of Reps. It passed in the negative
N. H. no. Mas. ay Con. no N. J no. Pa. no Del no. Md no Va no. N. C. no. S. C. no. Geo. no. [Ayes--1; noes--10.]
[2:545; Journal, 8 Sept.]
no money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law.
which passed in the affirmative.
[2:568, 596; Committee of Style]
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law.
[2:618; Madison, 14 Sept.]
Col. Mason moved a clause requiring "that an Account of the public expenditures should be annually published" Mr Gerry 2ded. the motion
Mr Govr. Morris urged that this wd. be impossible in many cases.
Mr. King remarked, that the term expenditures went to every minute shilling. This would be impracticable. Congs. might indeed make a monthly publication, but it would be in such general Statements as would afford no satisfactory information.
Mr. Madison proposed to strike out "annually" from the motion & insert "from time to time". which would enjoin the duty of frequent publications and leave enough to the discretion of the Legislature. Require too much and the difficulty will beget a habit of doing nothing. The articles of Confederation require half-yearly publications on this subject--A punctual compliance being often impossible, the practice has ceased altogether--
Mr Wilson 2ded. & supported the motion--Many operations of finance cannot be properly published at certain times.
Mr, Pinkney was in favor of the motion.
Mr. Fitzimmons--It is absolutely impossible to publish expenditures in the full extent of the term.
Mr. Sherman thought "from time to time" the best rule to be given.
"Annual" was struck out--& those words--inserted nem: con:
The motion of Col. Mason so amended was then agreed to nem: con: and added after--"appropriations by law as follows--"And a regular statement and account of the receipts & expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time."
The Founders' Constitution
Volume 3, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7, Document 1
The University of Chicago Press
Farrand, Max, ed. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. Rev. ed. 4 vols. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1937.