Article 5


Generally 1.9.1; 1.9.4; Bill of Rights

Records of the Federal Convention, Farrand 1:237; 2:84, 136, 148, 555--56, 578, 602

House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution, 5 May 1789, Annals 1:248--51

Kentucky Constitution of 1792, Thorpe 3:1273--74

George Mason, Account of Proceedings in Convention, 30 Sept. 1792, Farrand 3:367--68

Kentucky Constitution of 1799, art. 9, sec. 1, Thorpe 3:1288

Senate, Amendments to the Constitution, 12 April 1808, Annals 17:332--58

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 4, Article 5, Introduction
The University of Chicago Press

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