Article 6, Clause 3


Generally Amend. I (religion)

Records of the Federal Convention, Farrand 2:133, 146, 148, 159--60, 174, 188, 579, 603

A Friend to the Rights of the People, 8 Feb. 1788, Storing 4.23.3

David, 7 Mar. 1788, Storing 4.24.2--6

Archibald Maclaine, North Carolina Ratifying Convention, 28 July 1788, Elliot 4:140

House of Representatives, Manner of Taking Certain Oaths, 6 May 1789, Annals 1:266--71

St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 369--70 (1803)

Arkansas Constitution of 1836, art. 7, sec. 2, Thorpe 1:284

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 4, Article 6, Clause 3, Introduction
The University of Chicago Press

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