Amendment I (Petition and Assembly)


Generally Bill of Rights

The Riot Act, 1 Geo. 1, c. 5 (1714--16)

Delaware Declaration of Rights and Fundamental Rules, 11 Sept. 1776, Sources 339

North Carolina Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights, art. 18, Thorpe 5:2788

Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights, art. 16, Thorpe 5:1508

Vermont Constitution of 1777, ch. 1, sec. 18, ch. 2, sec. 12, Thorpe 6:3741--42, 3744

Closing Arguments of Thomas Erskine for Defendant, Solicitor General James Mansfield for Prosecution, and Summation of Lord Mansfield, Proceedings against Lord George Gordon for Treason, 21 How. St. Tr. 587--647 (1781)

New Hampshire Constitution of 1784, arts. 31--32, Thorpe 4:2457

Vermont Constitution of 1786, ch. 1, sec. 4, Thorpe 6:3752

Virginia Ratifying Convention, Proposed Amendment, 27 June 1788, Dumbauld 184--85

New York Ratifying Convention, Proposed Amendment, 26 July 1788, Dumbauld 191

North Carolina Ratifying Convention, Proposed Amendment, 1 Aug. 1788, Dumbauld 201

Kentucky Constitution of 1792, art. 12, sec. 22, Thorpe 3:1275

House of Representatives, President's Speech, 24--27 Nov. 1794, Annals 4:899--945

House of Representatives, Yazoo Land Claims, 4 Jan. 1808, Annals 17:1283--85, 1294

Illinois Constitution of 1818, art. 8, sec. 19, Thorpe 2:983

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 5, Amendment I (Petition and Assembly), Introduction
The University of Chicago Press

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