Document 59
John Adams to Thomas Jefferson
13 July 1813The first time, that you and I differed in Opinion on any material Question; was after your Arrival from Europe; and that point was the french Revolution.
You was well persuaded in your own mind that the Nation would succeed in establishing a free Republican Government: I was as well persuaded, in mine, that a project of such a Government, over five and twenty millions people, when four and twenty millions and five hundred thousands of them could neither write nor read: was as unnatural irrational and impracticable; as it would be over the Elephants Lions Tigers Panthers Wolves and Bears in the Royal Menagerie, at Versailles. Napoleon has lately invented a Word, which perfectly expresses my Opinion at that time and ever since. He calls the Project Ideology. And John Randolph, tho he was 14 years ago, as wild an Enthusiast for Equality and Fraternity, as any of them; appears to be now a regenerated Proselite to Napoleons Opinion and mine, that it was all madness.
The Greeks in their Allegorical Style said that the two
Ladies [Aristocracy] and
always in a quarrel, disturbed every neighbourhood
with their brawls. It is a fine Observation of yours
that "Whig and Torey belong to Natural History." Inequalities
of Mind and Body are so established by God Almighty
in his constitution of Human Nature that no Art
or policy can ever plain them down to a Level. I have
never read Reasoning more absurd, Sophistry more gross,
in proof of the Athanasian Creed, or Transubstantiation,
than the subtle labours of Helvetius and Rousseau to demonstrate
the natural Equality of Mankind. Jus cuique [Justice
for everyone]; the golden rule; do as you would be
done by; is all the Equality that can be supported or defended
by reason, or reconciled to common Sense.
The Founders' Constitution
Volume 1, Chapter 15, Document 59
The University of Chicago Press
The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams. Edited by Lester J. Cappon. 2 vols. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1959.