Constitutional Government



Generally ch. 2

Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company, 4 Mar. 1629, American Colonial Documents 72, 75--84

Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, The Principles of Politic Law, ch. 7, §§ 1--50 (1751), 2:44--62 (3d ed. 1784)

Emmerich de Vattel, The Law of Nations, or, Principles of the Law of Nature, bk. 1, ch. 3, §§ 26--37 (1758)

James Iredell, Letter to the North-Carolina Gazette, 10 Sept. 1773, Papers 1:165

Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Thorpe 5:3081--92

Thomas Jefferson, Draught of a Fundamental Constitution for the Commonwealth of Virginia, May--June 1783, Papers 6:294--305

James Madison to Caleb Wallace, 23 Aug. 1785, Papers 8:350--56

Noah Webster, On Government, 1788, Collection 59--71

Thomas Jefferson to Noah Webster, Jr., 4 Dec. 1790, Papers 18:131--33

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 1, Chapter 17, Introduction
The University of Chicago Press

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