Federal v. Consolidated Government

CHAPTER 8 | Document 36

Impartial Examiner, no. 2

28 May 1788Storing 5.14.25--26

These writers [in favor of the proposed Constitution] seem not to regard any fundamentals in government, provided they can procure a plan, in which they fancy some prospects of immediate benefit are to be discovered. In conformity with the stile of the proposed constitution, the favorers of it have, with a peculiarity of self-applause, ascribed to themselves the distinction of foederalists; while those, who oppose the plan are marked with the epithet of anti-foederal.

The strong desire, which has been manifested, for a union between the American states, since the revolution, affords an opportunity of making the distinction, as they imagine, to their advantage.--As foederalists, in their opinion, they must be deemed friendly to the union:--as anti-foederal, the opposers must, in their opinion too, be considered unfriendly. Thus on the sound of names they build their fame.

For those gentlemen, however, let it be observed that the opponents seem to act on the broader scale of true foederal principles. The advocates for the new code wi[s]h all sovereignty to be lodged in the hands of Congress. This is not to connect thirteen independent states--but to form one extended empire by compounding the whole, and thus destroying the sovereignty of each. The other party desire a continuance of each distinct sovereignty--and are anxious for such a degree of energy in the general government, as will cement the union in the strongest manner. This they consider as one of the greatest blessings, which can attend their country.

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 1, Chapter 8, Document 36
The University of Chicago Press

Storing, Herbert J., ed. The Complete Anti-Federalist. 7 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

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