Article 6, Clause 3

[Volume 4, Page 642]

Document 19

James Madison, Federalist, no. 44, 307

25 Jan. 1788

It has been asked, why it was thought necessary, that the State magistracy should be bound to support the Foederal Constitution, and unnecessary, that a like oath should be imposed on the officers of the United States in favor of the State Constitutions?

Several reasons might be assigned for the distinction. I content myself with one which is obvious & conclusive. The members of the Foederal Government will have no agency in carrying the State Constitutions into effect. The members and officers of the State Governments, on the contrary, will have an essential agency in giving effect to the Foederal Constitution. The election of the President and Senate, will depend in all cases, on the Legislatures of the several States. And the election of the House of Representatives, will equally depend on the same authority in the first instance; and will probably, for ever be conducted by the officers and according to the laws of the States.

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 4, Article 6, Clause 3, Document 19
The University of Chicago Press

Hamilton, Alexander; Madison, James; and Jay, John. The Federalist. Edited by Jacob E. Cooke. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1961.