Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

1.William Blackstone, Commentaries 1:395, 1765
2.Virginia Declaration of Rights, sec. 13, 12 June 1776
3.Delaware Declaration of Rights and Fundamental Rules, secs. 18--20, 11 Sept. 1776
4.John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 26 May 1777
5.Records of the Federal Convention
6.Brutus, no. 4, 29 Nov. 1787
7.James Wilson, Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention, 11 Dec. 1787
8.Luther Martin, Genuine Information, 1788
9.Alexander Hamilton, Federalist, no. 29, 181--87, 9 Jan. 1788
10.A [New Hampshire] Farmer, no. 1, 11 Jan. 1788
11.Federal Farmer, no. 18, 25 Jan. 1788
12.Luther Martin, Letters, no. 3, 14 Mar. 1788
13.Debate in Virginia Ratifying Convention, 14 June 1788
14.House of Representatives, Militia, 16, 21 Dec. 1790
15.George Washington, Order Calling Up the Militia, 7 Aug. 1794
16.George Washington, Sixth Annual Address, 19 Nov. 1794
17.Governor Caleb Strong to Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, and Reply
18.James Monroe to Chairman of Senate Military Committee, Feb. 1815
19.Meade v. Deputy Marshal
20.Houston v. Moore
21.James Kent, Commentaries 1:244--50, 1826
22.Martin v. Mott
23.Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1195--97, 1833