Index of Constitutional Provisions

Admiralty and maritime law, 1.8.10; 1.8.11; 3.2.1
Admission of new states, 4.3.1
Aliens, 1.8.4_citizenship
Ambassadors, 2.2.2-3; 2.3; 3.2.1; 3.2.2
Amendments to Constitution, Art. 5
Appointment power, 2.2.2--3
Appropriations, 1.9.7
Arms, right to bear, Amend. II
Army, 1.8.12; 1.8.14
Assembly, right of, Amend. I
Attainder, bill of, 1.9.3; 1.10.1
Bail, Amend. VIII
Bankruptcy, 1.8.4
Bill of rights, Amends. I--X
Bills of credit, 1.10.1
Borrowing power, 1.8.2
Church and state, Amend. I
Citizenship, 1.8.4; 4.2.1
Coinage of money, 1.8.5; 1.10.1
Commander-in-chief, 2.2.1
Commerce clause, 1.8.3
Compact clause, 1.10.1
Compensation for property, Amend. V
adjournment, 2.3
annual meeting, 1.4.2
convened by President, 2.3
Congressional immunity, 1.6.1
Congressional powers, 1.4.1; 1.8.1--18; 1.10.2; 4.3.1; 4.3.2; Art. 5
Contract clause, 1.10.1
Copyright, 1.8.8
Counsel, right to, Amend. VI
Counterfeiting coins and securities, 1.8.6
Courts, legislative, 1.8.9
Criminal procedure, Amends. IV--VIII
Cruel and unusual punishment, Amend. VIII
Debts, preexisting, 6.1
Double jeopardy, Amend. V
Due process of law, Amend. V
House of Representatives, 1.2.1
President, 2.1.2--4, Amend. XII
Senate, 1.3.1--2
time, place, and manner, 1.4.1
Eminent domain, Amend. V
Executive powers, 2.1.1
Exports, taxes on, 1.9.5; 1.10.2
Ex post facto laws, 1.9.3; 1.10.1
Extradition clause, 4.2.2
Foreign commerce, 1.8.3
Freedom of religion, Amend. I
Freedom of speech and press, Amend. I
Fugitive slave clause, 4.2.3
Full faith and credit clause, 4.1
General welfare, Preamble;1.9.1
Grand jury, Amend. V
Habeas corpus, 1.9.2
Immigration and naturalization, 1.8.4
Immunity, congressional, 1.6.1
by House of Representatives, 1.2.5
judgment, scope of, 1.3.7
President, 2.4
trial by Senate, 1.3.6
Imports, taxation of, 1.10.2
Indians, 1.2.3; 1.8.3
Inspection laws, 1.10.2
Interstate commerce, 1.8.3
Interstate compacts, 1.10.3
Judicial powers, 3.1
Judiciary, 1.8.9; 2.2.2.; 3.1
compensation, 3.1
jurisdiction, 3.2.1--2; Amend. XI
tenure, 3.1
Juries, 3.2.3; Amends. VI--VII
Just compensation, Amend. V
Law of nations, 1.8.10
Legal tender, 1.10.1
Legislative courts, 1.8.9
Legislative powers, 1.1; 1.8.1--18; 1.9.8; 1.10.2; 4.3.1; 4.3.2; Art. 5
Legislative process, 1.7.2
Letters of marque, 1.8.11; 1.10.1
Maritime law, 3.2.1
Martial law, 1.8.14; Amend. V
Militia, 1.8.15--16; Amend. II; Amend. V
Naturalization, 1.8.4
Navy, 1.8.13--14
Necessary and proper clause, 1.8.18
Nobility, titles of, 1.9.8; 1.10.1
Oaths, 6.3; Amend. IV
presidential, 2.1.8
Pardon power, 2.2.1
Patents, 1.8.8
Petitions to redress grievances, Amend. I
Piracy, 1.8.10
Ports, no preferences, 1.9.6
Post offices and post roads, 1.8.7
compensation, 2.1.7
election, 2.1.2--4; Amend. XII
oath of office, 2.1.8
qualifications, 2.1.5
removal, 2.4
replacement, 2.1.6
term of office, 2.1.1
veto power, 1.7.3
Presidential powers, 1.7.3; 2.1.1; 2.2.1--3; 2.3; 2.4
Privileges and immunities of citizens, 4.2.1
Property, Amend. V
Public trial, right to, Amend. VI
Ratification, Art. 7
Religion, freedom of, Amend. I
Religious test, 6.3
Representation, 1.2.3
Representatives, House of
adjournment, 1.5.4
apportionment, 1.2.3
compensation, 1.6.1
election, 1.2.1; 1.2.4; 1.5.1
expulsion, 1.5.2
officers, 1.2.5
privilege, 1.6.1
qualifications, 1.2.3; 1.5.1
quorum, 1.5.1
rules of proceedings, 1.5.2
Republican form of government, guarantee of, 4.4
Revenue bills, 1.7.1
Searches and seizures, Amend. IV
Seat of government, 1.8.17
Self-incrimination, Amend. V
adjournment, 1.5.4
appointments, 2.2.2
apportionment, 1.3.1--2
compensation, 1.6.1
election, 1.3.1--2; 1.5.1
expulsion, 1.5.2
officers, 1.3.3--5
privilege, 1.6.1
qualifications, 1.3.3; 1.5.1
quorum, 1.5.1
rules of proceedings, 1.5.2; 1.5.3
treaties, 2.2.2
Slaves, 1.2.3; 1.9.1; 4.2.3
Speech and press, Amend. I
Speedy trial, right to, Amend. VI
admission, 4.3.1
reserved powers, Amend. X
suits against, Amend. XI
taxation, 1.10.2
Supremacy clause, 6.2
Supreme Court, jurisdiction, 3.2.2
Takings, Amend. V
apportionment, 1.2.3; 1.9.4
congressional power, 1.8.1; 1.9.1; 1.9.4; 1.9.6
states, 1.10.2
Territory and property of United States, governance of, 4.3.2
Test oaths, 6.3
Tonnage, 1.10.3
defined, 3.3.1
punishment, 3.3.2
Treaty power, 1.10.1; 2.2.2
Troops, quartering, Amend. III
Venue, 3.2.3; Amend. VI
Veto, presidential, 1.7.3
Vice-President, 1.3.4--5; 2.1.1; 2.1.3; 2.1.5;see also President
War, 1.8.11; 1.10.3; Amend. V
Weights and measures, 1.8.5
right to compel attendance, Amend. VI
right to confront, Amend. VI